We just returned from our interview with visionary Archie Lee Coates, co-founder of +Pool. The idea is to construct a floating pool in the East River which both serves as a water filter and recreational swimming pool. Highly advanced technology will filter the polluted river's water, and at the same time the citizens of New York can enjoy a swim in the river.
Archie works for a design company Playlab situated in Brooklyn. In 2010 the idea of the +Pool came to mind. At first the concept was intended as an exercise, but when the idea caught attention of the engineering company Arup and a larger crowd, they took the project more serious. A total of 15 million dollar is needed to execute the different phases of the +Pool. Numerous prototypes have to be build to test the complex filtering systems. At first this amount seemed highly unrealistic. Nevertheless, in 2011 a Kickstarter project with a goal of 25,000 dollar was enacted. Within a mere six days the target was reached. At the end an impressive $46,000 was collected. At this moment they realised their project was popular among a large audience.
Playlab decided to spread the word in the city of New York. A large number of organisations were contacted to ask for support. The idea caught on. Instead of $25,000, they decided to launch a crowdfunding project targeting for 250 thousand dollar. People who donated could write a message on one of the tiles used in the construction of the pool, a concept similar to that of the luchtsingel in Rotterdam. After an intensive campaign they managed to raise an impressive $273,000.
Although a large amount has been collected, a lot more is necessary to progress in the development. Playlab hopes that companies or the municipality of New York could financially support their project. They have composed a board with professionals to help plan and manage the future of +Pool. Archie aims to have their grand opening in 2016. The idea of a +Pool has already travelled across the world. Playlab has been asked to advise people from around the world with regard to their advanced water filtering methods.
Archie is convinced many good ideas to improve New York City come from its inhabitants. Crowdfunding is a good method of filtering great ideas from lesser ones. The municipality should especially be aware of projects that managed to successfully complete their crowdfunding targets since this affirms their popularity among a large population.
In our opinion this is a unique project that is highly relevant in a world where environmental issues increase in importance. We have already purchased a tile to support +Pool's future! For more information, or if you would also like to contribute a tile please visit their website: www.pluspool.org!